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About Lipscomb: Behavior Policy


Behavior Policy

All visitors to Lipscomb Library have the right to use our collections and facilities to support their learning in a safe environment and to assume their visits to the library will be free from harassment, physical discomfort, danger, and psychological stress.  We aim to ensure all visitors behave in ways that do not interfere with the safety and work of other library patrons and staff, but maintaining this environment is a community effort.  Please bring any concerns you have regarding patron behavior to the library staff.

Patron Behavior
Unacceptable behaviors impede other patrons' and staff members' safe and effective use of library materials and spaces.  Inappropriate behaviors include, but are not limited to:

  • Misusing or damaging library materials or facilities
  • Theft of college or student-owned property located in the library
  • Unreasonably loud noise that disturbs other patrons, particularly on quiet floors
  • Abusive speech or actions
  • Inappropriate sexual behavior
  • Harassing or annoying other library visitors
  • Violence or possession of weapons
  • Smoking, vaping, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs
  • Blocking or interfering with the free movement of any library visitor
  • Distribution or posting of materials such as flyers, leaflets, or other literature without authorization from the library director
  • Soliciting or selling of any kind
  • Leaving a child unattended in the library
  • Failure to comply with directions from library staff
  • Any other behavior that interferes with other visitors' use of the library or staff members' ability to perform their duties

Every Randolph College student is required as a condition of enrollment to comply with the policies and regulations governing student life, and those who violate library behavioral policies or the Honor Code may be subject to the student judicial process.  For non-affiliated visitors to the Lipscomb Library, failure to comply with library and college policies may result in losing library privileges, being asked to leave the library, or being removed from campus.