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About Lipscomb: Interlibrary Loan Policy

Interlibrary Loan Policy

Who can borrow an interlibrary loan?
Faculty and staff employed by the college and currently enrolled students.  Emeriti faculty may request materials through ILL; however, any charges from a lending library for the loan of materials will need to be paid by the emeriti faculty member who placed the request. Those who are not current members of the college community, such as alumnae, retired staff, Lynchburg residents, and borrowers using a family card, may use their local public library's interlibrary loan services.

How long may I keep an interlibrary loan book?
The lending library sets the due date for interlibrary loaned materials; however, most often books are due in 4 weeks with the possibility of renewal. All student loans must be returned before the end of the current semester. 

May I take my interlibrary loan book or video out of the library? Most lending libraries will allow you to take their materials out of Lipscomb Library.  However, there may be times when it is required that you use the material in the library, dependent on the format, value, or condition of the materials. Students must use all video titles in the Lipscomb Library.

Will I be charged for overdue, lost, or damaged books?
If you do not return the book by the due date, you may be charged by the lending library for any fines that have accrued.  You will be charged the cost of the book, plus a processing fee, if your interlibrary loan materials are lost or damaged. Books must be returned in the condition in which they were received. 

May faculty place interlibrary loan materials on reserve?
Due to copyright restrictions, faculty may only place materials on reserve which are owned by Lipscomb Library.

Are there any items that cannot be requested through interlibrary loan?

  • Lipscomb Library does not borrow books used as textbooks or books that have been put on reserve by our faculty.
  • Lipscomb Library does not order items it already owns, either in hard copy or electronically (including eBook Collection). We will recall our books that are loaned to other libraries when there is a request rather than borrow the same item from another library.
  • Lipscomb Library does not order media that will be used for entertainment.
  • Entire issues of magazines or journals and old, rare, one-of-a-kind materials.
  • We do not borrow items from international libraries.
  • The library does not buy or request theses or dissertations.

For additional information, please contact the Interlibrary Loan Department or check out the ILL FAQ page.