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For Faculty: The Basics

Most of Lipscomb Library's online resources are available for off-campus use because we enlist the services of a proxy server.  Logging into the proxy server will trick our resources into thinking you're on campus when you're not!  Simply log in with the same username and password that you use to access the Randolph College portal when you see the following prompt:

But what if you want to provide your students with a link to a specific article, e-book, or video from one of our databases?  You use a "static" or "permalink" from the database. The process for doing this varies based on which vendor provides the content.  You will find instructions for creating static links based on the vendor, using the buttons on the left of this screen.

Some vendors supply multiple databases. For a complete list, click on the title of the vendor:

Lipscomb OneSearch
Academic Search Complete
Most of the library's subject-specific databases

Gale Databases
Literature Resource Center
National Geographic

Infobase Databases
Films on Demand
Issues & Controversies
World News Digest

Pro tip: When using links from any of Lipscomb Library's online resources with your students, you should double-check that the following text prepends the URL for the resource: