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For Faculty: Reserves

Faculty can place books, videos, and other materials on reserve in the library. These materials are kept behind the Circulation Desk. Students can check them out for two hours at a time, and they cannot leave the building. This is one way to limit textbook costs, as students can access materials without having to purchase them. It also helps with materials such as DVDs and VHS tapes, where students can use the library DVD/VCRs to play them.

Reserves can be materials that the library owns or that individual faculty members own. If the library already owns the item, email Jessica Kindler ( or Shahriar Abbassi ( with the title and course information and request that it be put on reserve. If you own the item, bring it into the library and fill out a form at the Circulation Desk. It will be given a temporary barcode and returned to you at the end of the semester.